I've cleaned the tank changed water and bought a new filtration system and my water still turned green. The tank itself I think is 40 gallons and I have the filter set to 27gph. My dad's girl says it could be the dye from the new artificial plants in the tank could that turn the tank green.

Posted by chasing_a_billion


  1. Optimal_Community356 on

    Try washing the artificial plants in a bowl and see if there is green dye coming out of it or not

  2. Probably leaving the lights on too long, causing algae to bloom in the water. 6-8 hours a day for a planted tank is usually enough. You may need even less light if you don’t have live plants.

    Since you changed the filter keep an eye on the ammonia and nitrite levels in case you got rid of too much beneficial bacteria and caused the tank to cycle again.

  3. If it isn’t the dye, the most common reason for algae blooms is either over feeding or too much light. Try feeding less (my rule is that for many fish their stomach is similar size to their eye).

  4. Sounds like this is a new tank, an algae bloom isn’t uncommon. As others said, reduce light hours per day. You can also get a UV filter, that’s what ultimately ended up clearing my greeen water up. I think I paid $40 on Amazon. Make sure the filter doesn’t expose fish to uv light as that will kill them.

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