Hello! This is my tank. It’s lovely, but a little gross. I just moved so I’m waiting for the tank to settle before adding anything.

My question is that I want to clean the flat rock leaning against the back, like take it out and scrub it, but my fish love to sit behind it and hangout there, Especially when they’re stressed. I just don’t want to ruin their safe space or anything. Do fish have homes? Is it just a rock?

Thanks so much for any advice!

Posted by Feisty_Worry_5731


  1. Tanks are allowed to be gross to some extent. feel free to take out the rock and scrub it with a toothbrush. I’d suggest using some old tank water to “wash off” whatever comes off the surface.

    I think they’d appreciate some plants or maybe some more structure so they have more places to hide.

    Also feel free to raise the water level to the rim ☺️.

    Happy fish keeping.

  2. Depends on what fish. Some species are more emotionally intelligent than others! Bettas for example would get very mad at you for taking the rock out, and putting it back in, but they’d get over themselves in due time lol. Other fish wouldn’t notice or just shrug it off as a part of the moving process.

    Seeing as there’s no fish in there yet, I think you’re fine.

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