Was just playing with new pen i bought, have no idea why does it detect electric around the aquarium?

Posted by janjon98


  1. Maybe the pen it’s too sensitive, there is light above, canister filter under and a TV to the left?

  2. I am so afraid that there is a electric leak to the aquarium that i as a human can’t feel it but the fish do! 😒😒

  3. Aquarium heaters can leak a little bit of current into the water. It’s the same as some metal laptops, when they are plugged in you can feel a little buzz when you brush your fingers over them, from the little I know it’s not unsafe, but that’s likely what the pen is picking up. Hopefully someone more qualified can confirm in the comments.

  4. I think it turns red every time it hits one of your fish. When you put it in the gravel it detected your snails and turned red. When you put it up more it turned green, where there was no fish.

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