Hello everyone! I’m new to fishing and got me and my wife float rods and reels that guy in a shop assembled for us. We even managed to catch some crucians on a wild lake in a woods not far away from our home. After some expected fails i learned how to tie knots, how to unravel this madness that can happen with line, and so i became more and more familiar with my rod and started to look how things work and how i maintain them.

But here’s my question – what type of mount this is? I’ve been googling a lot both on english and my native language and could not find any info on this. Thats not usual winch type saddle i guess, but closest thing i found is “zip style” winch. Anyway, i couldn’t find any further info on this. I would be glad to get any help on how this mount is used and thanks in advance!

Posted by record033

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