I am big on the "ecosystem" feel of my aquarium, and tend to like to let the tank and plants sort itself out to keep it feeling natural, but lately I don't know how I feel about the darker water. It looks darker In person than it looks in the video.

Thoughts? Opinions?

All species in the tank like tanic water with the (possible) exception is my 6 scissor tail raspboaras. They seem happy, but Google would say that prefer clearer water.

Posted by NiceGuyWillis


  1. A very nice tank 👍
    Personally I prefer clearer water as well, but my big tank also has many tannins and I kinda grew accustomed to it.
    You could use purigen to filter the tannins out.

  2. Embrace the tannins, natural antioxidants for the fish.

    They fade with time and water changes but since it’s a new tank you will likely have them leaching out for a while.

  3. Tannins provide minor benefits, but nothing at a scope that makes it worth keeping if you don’t like it.

  4. I think they look great. You can still see to the back of the tank with no issue, no reason to remove the tannins.

  5. You can try all you want to remove the tannins, but until the wood is done leeching them, your water is going to continue to look like tea. Personally I like the look, but if you want clear water, and the wood is relatively new, the only way to get rid of the tannins would be to remove the wood and soak it elsewhere.

  6. monkeytennis-ohh on

    I like it – Roll with it – get creative with a spotlight or 2 for an awesome effect 💡

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