This pic is taken in my 10g tank I just set up for shrimp since moo moo likes to be here first in his plants. I saw his eye while he was swimming in his main tank.

Main tank: 7.4 ph, 0 Ammonia, 0 nitrite, 10ppm nitrate. 79-80°f consistently Fairly planted, 25 g with panda Cories, Khuli loaches, and neo shrimp. Monthly water changes, fed every other day. Been set up since end of March

I'm pretty sure it's Popeye but I thought it affected both eyes 🙁

Posted by Alcelarua

1 Comment

  1. *he likes to be head first in his plants. Auto correct do be like that.

    I can provide the parameters of the 10G tank too if needed. The 10g is a cycled tank that’s newly planted. Has had shrimp in it for 1 month (artificially growing community cause it’s where cull shrimp from main tank is going)

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