I just got into fishing in late June of last summer and immediately got hooked on bass fishing. My half my hometown got wiped out by a tornado that I barely survived and I ended up in the middle of nowhere with lots of woods and a few little mud holes scattered around, and a dried up little creek running through it if you can even call it that. Friends and family pretty much bailed on me so I spent lots of time alone. Rigged up a little fishing pole out of literal junk tackle I found in an old barn that was forgotten about and started figuring out how to get them fish to bite. I taught myself nearly everything I know, which isn't a lot, but I feel like I had a natural understanding of catching bass from the get go. Can't really explain how, but I just immediately knew and understood the way bass behaved, so that's what I've stayed focused on. Not to mention, bass are just fun as heck to catch compared to other fish. So anyway, these catches may or may not be impressive to you guys, but I can say with absolute certainty that in barely over a year I've caught more bass and bigger bass than several people I know personally that have studied bass fishing and have been doing it for years and years. Im usually rather modest about it. I don't brag much and I've literally never showed anyone any of these pics of my catches. But tonight, I'm gonna brag. I found this subreddit randomly and just decided I wanted to share my story with somebody. I'd love to hear any comments, good or bad, and socialize with others that share my very short lived passion for bass fishing. Of course these are not my only decent catches. Just the ones I happen to have pics of.

Posted by No_Fisherman3812

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