Hi, I am new to this hobby and got an complete 2nd hand set of a tank, snails, plants. After 2 weeks there are many algae on the plants and sand. I was told the snails will eat everything, but seems like it’s too much.

Posted by Upoiqwerztfj


  1. it looks like blue green cyanobacteria, nothing will really eat this. i would reduce your light schedule, try and reducing the amount of nutrients (feeding). there are also things you can buy that will kill it, but it shouldn’t harm ur fish it just looks bad.

  2. that’s string algae. Manually remove as much as you can. Most people nuke their water with chemicals to get rid of string algae but I’d recommend just planting fast growing plants that way it can out compeat the algae. That way you won’t upset the water quality and stress out your fish.

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