I have the most lively little betta girl who's always curious and playing with me. I never had a betta this lively qnd curious before.I got silly and raised two fish shaped glass beads to her tank, she got very stressed and went to hide. After about an hour she still doesn't seem to trust me like she did and she stays away from me when i raise my fingers to my glass now. I wonder how i could get her back. She's skeptical now and not doing as many zoomies as she did.


Posted by banasee


  1. I’m so sorry but this video is cracking me up. She absolutely teleported.🤣 I would suggest bribing her love back with lots of treat lol!

  2. Wow she’s FAST! She’ll come around. Maybe lure her with some treats to show her there’s no other fish around.

    We have a male who is like that. Show him a mirror and he will sulk at the bottom in the farthest corner of the tank all day if we don’t lure him out with some live worms to boost his confidence lol

  3. Pitiful-Ostrich8949 on

    I’m sorry but HOLY SHIT IS SHE SO FAST this is cracking me up, hopefully she learns you’re not a threat though I’m sure feeding her and giving her treats will help

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