
Im new to this hobby. I set up my tank 4 weeks ago. In the past two weeks i begun to put fish in int. I now have: 5 emerald cat fisch, 8 danio malaribus, 4 zebrafish, 8 honey gourami and 4 hyphessobrycon rosaceus white fin. Sorry for the Bad englisch im from germany.

The guy at the aquristic store said that i dont have too mich fish because they live in different areas of the tank. Its a 180l or 50g tank btw.

It feels to me that there are way to many fish in there. I do a water change once a week and test nitrit every day because im a little scared that they all die.

Any advice? Thanks alot

Posted by Rip3R2001


  1. I have the juwel vision which is also 180 liters. I have 20 neon tetra, 2 dwarf cychlids, 2 siamese algue eaters and 5 oto’s. I don’t think you overstocked at all. Especially compared to me. As long as there are good hiding spots and some stuff in the middle to break up the view I personally think it’s fine

  2. Ammonia is what you need to be testing and keeping under control as the tank probably isn’t fully cycled. Your water changes (frequency and amount) should be driven by ammonia/nitrite levels.

    I’d also advise getting a proper liquid water-quality testing kit if you haven’t already. The dip strips aren’t great.

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