Hi so this is my first post here. I was wondering if this sort of paleness in a betta is normal? I got him as a gift suddenly by my great grandparents (in their late 80s) because they found out I had a fish tank (I was hoping to keep shrimp so it’s a 3.7 gal, I wasn’t ready for a betta but I’m hoping to go to a 10 gal in the next month or so) I’ve had him for two weeks and the tank itself has been cycling for over a month. Like I said I was hoping to keep shrimp but only after I would have had an actual seasoned tank so I was just kinda thrown into all of this. My main concern is paleness and also the bump near his caudal peduncle. He eats very well compared to when he first came, tank temp fluctuates between 76-80(depends if my roommate has their fan on or off), and water parameters are usually fine other than yesterday where I had .5 nitrite seemingly out of nowhere( I think I had the filter setting too weak did a full water change). Any betta veterans who see something wrong, things I should change or does everything look clear?
Thank you !


Posted by Ok-Raisin7348

1 Comment

  1. He’s looking healthy to me. Bettas come in all colors and yellow/white is not uncommon. That’s not a sign of health issues.

    The tank doesn’t have the optimal size but will do for a few weeks until you find something betta (better).

    Just keep checking the nitrite in the next days. Your tank should be cycled after 4 weeks but sometimes it takes longer. As long as you do a water exchange when the nitrite value increases your betta will be doing fine.

    EDIT: typo fixed nitrate -> nitrite

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