About a month ago I reported my local grocery store for the horrendous conditions all their fish were in. I rescued what Bettas I could, since I had a bad feeling they would likely throw the worst ones out.

Today, I went shopping and saw these signs up all around the aquariums with no fish. I hope the fish weren't thrown away, but if they were, it was likely a kindness since they were in such horrible conditions.

I really hope they improve their practices moving forward. I had educated the manager about the loss they would encounter if these practices kept up. He didn't even realize they sold such expensive fish and had no clue how to care for the fish. He also said the person who "cares" for the fish only comes in once a month…😒

What blows my mind is that another of the stores within the same chain about 5ish miles away has a way better setup for their fish. The tanks are clean and the fish seem to be better cared for than the store I go to. So idk why this store in particular has such a lack of care for the fish.

Don't get me wrong, I HATE that a grocery store is selling live fish…but this chain will likely never not sell them since apparently the founder wanted that for "the kids".


Posted by RabbidRaccoon92

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