Wanted to give my Hillstream Loaches their own set up. At first I had the wave maker and filter in opposite corners, creating a circular current throughout the whole tank.

But when I added the White Cloud Mountain Minnows, who were commonly recommended on the internet as being compatible with the Hillys, I thought they looked like they were swimming a little too hard. Did some more research and realized that while they like the flow sometimes, they still need places to rest.

I moved the wave maker to the center of the tank pointing towards the filter as pictured, and so the right side has a nice flow to it, while the left side is calm. I’m only a few months into this hobby and am pretty proud of this little compromise I came up with for everyone in this tank lol.

The minnows hang out on the calm side, but will venture over to the right to swim in the current when they feel like it.

The Hillys are hiding in this vid but they seem to have a good time darting around and clinging to their rocks.

Posted by Goosedog_honk

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