started my aquariums with only red root floaters. Everything was great until after several months this shit started appearing in my largest aquarium. I tried removing every single piece could find yet somehow I could still pull out handfuls of the stuff after a week. It slowly infected my other two aquariums. It then slowly killed my red root floaters until it was the only thing left. I now want to nuke my tanks and start over so I can try to kill every single one of these bastards.

Talk me out of it.

Posted by NightmareMan23


  1. Fuckweed. The ebola of the aquarium. One thing I have noticed: it doesn’t like a huge amount of light. All my tanks have massive surface movement and that doesn’t stop it. But I noticed over time that 2 of my tanks barely had any. Those 2 tanks have 2 characteristics the others don’t. They have no lid and the light is very close to the surface of the water.

  2. I find a really fast growing plant like guppy grass or duckweed will collect it once it gets tall enough then you can just trim and toss.

  3. I accidentally discovered how to eliminate it a couple years ago. Despite being water plants, most floaters can’t handle being wet on top. If you cover the top of the tank with plastic wrap, a glass lid, wax paper, etc. it will increase the humidity inside the tank and the floaters will all die because they can’t dry off. As long as there is an air stone or hob that is exposed to fresh air, you’ll get enough oxygen to keep your fish healthy even with the top sealed up. Takes about 2 weeks for duckweed to die off fully. Keep it covered at least a week after it all appears to die though, it’s a stubborn plant and if you miss even a single leaf it will repopulate the tank once you open the top again.

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