Fluval flex 57l was set up (hopefully tastefully) for the littles as every single time I go to the lfs I get „can we get this“ (holding up Patrick) „what about this one“ (picking up crusty crab).. „I really would like this in the tank, can I have it“ (holding sandy)

so to…. 1. justify another tank
and 2. make everyone happy .. I did both 😂

And tbh.. it doesn’t look as tacky as I thought it might 😂 just need to plants to grow and add a couple more little ones in foreground

The guppies that we got (I asked for 3 f and 1 male.. got home and the bag had 1 of each .. not sure what happened to the other 2 f‘s cos they weren’t in the bag) ..
and we have already (that I’ve seen) 4 fry 🤪

Posted by LassiLassC

1 Comment

  1. Did you mortgage your home to afford the pineapple?! I nearly fell over the price at the pet store I saw them at the other day and it was a hard yeah nah for me as much as I want one!

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