i posted yesterday about my betta who hasn’t been eating and a newly discovered bloody wound near his fin. today this was on the other side of him. does it look like body rot to you guys?


Posted by iaman0ni0n

1 Comment

  1. tank size: 5 gallons heater and filter? yes tank temperature: 80 degrees F Parameters: 0 nitrate 0 nitrite 150 hardness 120 alkalinity 7.2 pH attained with Tetra test strips I have had him in this tank since February, 25% changes every week, 50% changes about every 3-4 weeks. i agitate the bottom of the tank to get waste and debris floating around and then use a vessel to take the water out. i then use a different vessel to put the new water in. no tank mates before he stopped eating, he ate Finsect betta fish food, 4-7 small pellets usually twice a day one large fake plant, a couple small live plants, log, little bridge and doorway for decorations

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