I was doing water change in my tank where 20 tetras one beta and now only 6 otos live. When I was cleaning sand with basic gravel cleaner I accidentally picked up one of my otos I let him out of the tube as fast as possible but the damage was done he survived the day but passed during following night. Now I feel guilty and I’m pissed at myself for doing this stupid mistake. Does anyone have experience with accidents like this one? I think I just need to hear that I’m not the only one who caused accident that hurt their pet

Posted by LoliTamer23

1 Comment

  1. My first time using a gravel cleaner like that I didn’t even consider the possibility that fish could get in it. Sucked a medaka up sideways. She bent until she hit the smaller hose, and it sucked all the organs out of her. I haven’t used one since

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