Please help

Posted by ConnectSupermarket85


  1. ConnectSupermarket85 on

    My betta fish is lying on side lately, most of the time lying on side at bottom or on leaves. He came to eat when I fed pellets but he went back to rest on leaves as soon as ate pellets. He seems too heavy to carry his fins. I ‘m worried something wrong. 
    I changed water 60% every twice a week. My tank is 5 gallons and no tank mates yet. When I checked, water temperature is around 80F and ph is 6.9. His age is 1 year after I bought from Petco.

  2. Swim bladder disease. I’m having the same issue with my boy rn, i’ve been told the best treatment is is fasting him along with using seachem kanaplex. Aquarium salt could help too.

  3. First Fast for 3 days I would not keep doing 60 % water changes try 20-30 % once a week also try lowering the water level for him until he gets better Indian almond leaves and boiling the leaves and letting it cool down using the tinted tannin water is very very beneficial and helps heal bettas naturally.

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