My boy Huckleberry has not been doing so hot, as I suspect he’s suffering from the early stages of dropsy. Stopped eating, lethargic, extremely slight raised scales around gills, pretty much everything besides the bloat. I didn’t have any KanaPlex on hand so had to order it and in the meantime I’ve been treating with aquarium salt baths. It’s been three long days waiting for the meds to come in the mail but they finally came! I got him set up in a hospital tank & gave him his first dose of meds. He actually seemed to perk up a bit today & ate his first food in 4 days so I am hopeful!! Send Huckleberry all your healing vibes please🥹 I added a pic of him healthy to manifest that he bounces back!

Posted by bongshopgal

1 Comment

  1. Api aquarium salt has always worked for me in this relatable situation. I’ve never used a chem additive. I’m glad your fella is doing good so far 👏

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