What in the world happened to my betta’s face? He wasn’t like this yesterday. More info in the comments. He’s in the jar only for the video. Main tank is 75 gallons. Hospital tank is 3 gallons.

Posted by Seraitsukara

1 Comment

  1. Tank size: 75 gallons

    Filter: Sunsun 304b

    Water changes: 90% weekly 

    Temperature: 80F

    Tank mates: Guppies/endlers. Adult musk turtle. The musk turtle does not eat fish. Not even dead ones. Not even freshly killed ones. She’s lived with bettas her whole life, and has never harmed a single one. I can’t see her causing this if it’s an injury, the betta is the size of her head. If she had bitten him, he’d be hurt on both sides of his head, not just one. 

    Yesterday was a feed day and he did not look like this. He ate readily, both the provided food, and using the hunger response from the other fish to pick off guppy fry. After eating, he was resting on the bottom for an extended period, but there was nothing wrong with the right side of his face or eye at the time. 

    Today I noticed I hadn’t seen him all day. I’ve been keeping an eye out for him, and finally saw him, only his right eye is popped out and clouded, and that side of his face is swollen and red. Is this popeye? An injury?

    He’s in a 3 gallon hospital tank now. Any help appreciated. I only got him 4 months ago.

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