When I first got Rin he was very active and colorful. Just recently in the past two weeks he has stopped eating, erotic swimming (jolting kinda), flows with the water flow and has some white spots.
I’ve done a full water change, added conditioner, algae cleaning things because it got some algae, switched his food, added a better heater, the water test have come back very good and added some more hiding spots.
I had some ghost shrimp in there with him to peak his interest and keep him not alone and he was doing fine with them.
I’m wondering if any of y’all had advice? Something basic research doesn’t have because we all know every beta is different personality’s.


Posted by Just_Skyeee


  1. AnotherCasualReditor on

    I’d start by lowering the temp as 83 is high for a betta. At most their tank should be 80 degrees.
    If you are seeing white spots around his body that slightly stick out that likely means ich which means he will need treatment asap. But you may need to find a temporary new home for the shrimp as the medication may be lethal to them.

  2. If you can provide accurate water parameters that will be most helpful.

    It could just be age. When bettas make it to a store, they can be 6 months old already and then I’ve seen them sit for months. Bettas are able to live for around 5 years, but I’ve never had a store bought one last more than 3.

    His fins don’t look too injured/clamped, but his body position at the top of the water is not good at all.

  3. just_hear_4_the_tip on

    I’m so sorry 🙁 I’m in a similar position and trying to figure out how to effectively treat my guy without actually knowing exactly what’s wrong. I’m in no position to give advice (just see my post from today), but hope you find a solution. And, I should just leave this alone, but… did you mean *erratic* in swimming?

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