Got this guy 3 days ago, lethargic and sits around. Doesn’t eat much food at all. Just sits around the water filter all day.

Posted by ezu123


  1. Here’s the info:

    2 gallon

    yes filter, no heater–ambient 70* F

    Tank and fish–3 days

    No water changes yet

    A pinch of Aqueon pellets, does not eat all of it

    2 artificial trees

  2. Altruistic_Eye_4521 on

    Ur tank needs to be warmer. Any temp lower than 75 F can make their immune system go bonkers leading to diseases like this. What size is ur tank? There are really good heaters that are super cheap! Just treat him with the right medicine and heat up the tank and he should be alright

  3. AnotherCasualReditor on

    Yes that is ich.

    You need to start treatment asap. It is quite easy to cure in early stages but becomes harder to treat as it progresses and has a greater chance of being lethal.
    Raising the tank temperature to 80 at most for treatment (warmer water helps treatment for ich)

    Adding in aquarium salt (dissolve it before putting in tank) and start an ich medication. Whatever pet store you have go and ask for ich medication.

    Also adding api stress coat would be beneficial.
    When a fish is stressed the slime coat thins and any parasites that normally cannot attach will now be able to.

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