He was born without a tail. Swam fine up until the last few moths. Now Swims for food then this. I'm at a crossroad. Don't know if he's suffering

Posted by Aquarist412


  1. I’ve seen a number of cases where fish can live with a deformity up til a certain size then it basically becomes too much for them to deal with and they die. If you think there’s a chance they have developed a treatable condition though then try to help them of course. Euthanasia should only be a last resort, and if you have to then make sure it’s [humane ](https://kb.rspca.org.au/knowledge-base/what-is-the-most-humane-way-to-euthanase-aquarium-fish/)

  2. Definitely not treatable. I believe the deformation of the abdominal area has now become to small for all fully grown organs and now compressed the swim bladder to a point where the fish isn’t able to even float. He sinks like a rock when he’s not using fins. Ugh. I like the little guy. Might be needle time.

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