my fishing rod broke is it ok to cut this circle and continue to use it normally ?? plus what is the name of the circle thing

Posted by Aboody611


  1. It’s called a guide and they keep the pressure of the line on your rod continuous along the length of the rod. If one is missing, it will not bend evenly. You can certainly use it, but it’s not going to work well for big fish. You probably want a new rod. I e tried repairing rods and it never works as well I want it to.

  2. Apart_Distribution72 on

    Get a replacement eyelet, they’re just held on with resin and thread. Sand down the resin that’s on the thread and then use a razor to cut the threads and get under the foot of the eyelet, pry it up carefully to release the resin and glue and then you can replace it. There’s [kits]( to do it but it can also be done with regular thread and UV resin. Look up a video on how it’s done, it’s not too difficult.

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