Garbage fisherman caught a bass then jammed a stick down its throat and left it to die hanging from the branch. Beautiful day today till I came across this bs.

Posted by flargenhargen


  1. Maybe it was gut hooked and bleeding out and he is leaving it for the birds. But more likely just an asshat.

  2. I dunno man, let me steel man the position of who did this: Healthy bass populations need culling of younger fish which might not happen naturally. A Fisherman caught the bass intending to cull it for fisheries management purposes, whacked it on the head, and put it on a stick for a treat for the scavengers to eat. Another possibility is a bird of prey catching it and starting to eat it on a branch, but was distracted or attacked by another bird in its territory. Just saying, you are imagining only the sinister motivation of a person and it might not be that. At least, that’s how I view life in moments like this. Wondering about it, can at least give you a way to prevent seeing it from spoiling your nice day on the water.

  3. Did you see what happened?

    Because all we see is a dead fish on a stick. It’s incredibly pessimistic to say someone caught it and did this. We don’t know what happened, and neither do you.

  4. Maybe he’s getting revenge on the bass anglers that do the same thing to the pickerel 😂 the true native species that were there before the largemouth

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