Emergency response came out and is investigating as well as coordinating a clean up. Took some more pictures and realized that this dump was fresh from when I originally discovered it. I initially walked around when I first discovered the spill to see anymore signs of oil and found nothing except in a couple spots around the pond. I walked around the pond a second time with the authorities and noticed the oil had traveled far and fast to other parts of the pond. Also found the oil filters that had been left there so whoever dumped was not a smart criminal.

Posted by heyjose9


  1. Ok_Measurement_107 on

    Prepare to hear radio and TV commercials telling you how great and safe the people responsible are. Enbridge ruined a portion of the Kalamazoo river when line 6b broke, ever since they’ve been assuring all of Michigan how safe line 5 is in the straits of Mackinaw

  2. These are stupid people that do this! As a diesel mechanic I always carried oil only absorbent pads and dikes in my personal truck to help do my part of cleaning up after these assholes. Thank you for doing something about this friend.

  3. If I saw whoever did that, I’d be going to jail for a long time. Hope the bastard gets caught. Human garbage man.

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