Betta’s fins not looking very good, but other betta is fine? (In comment)

Posted by Automatic-777


  1. I have two 10g tanks. Each have 1 betta and inverts. I have this halfmoon white/yellow male that I got back in January and he had been doing okay, but all that flowy tail kind of got shorter and not as dramatic as when I first got him. I’m a little confused because both the tanks are almost the same in parameters.

    So in the male’s tank:

    Temperature: 77F – 79F

    Nitrate, nitrite: 0 ppm

    Ammonia: 0 ppm

    GH: 60 ppm

    KH: Really low, seems to be above 0 ppm but I can’t really make out this color

    pH: A little under 7.0

    The female’s tank just has a lower hardness and slightly lower pH because it was originally for caridinas. They’re all still there and she’s stealing their food lol

    I’ve ruled out stress because they can’t see each other. I’ve put an opaque divider in between the tanks so they don’t see each other. But this fin issue has been here even before I got the girl (about 2 months ago, was given to me, someone bought her at the chain pet store labelled “baby betta” and couldnt take care of her)

    I already use tannins, and I have them in the form of rooibos tea and catappa/almond leaves. This has still been an issue with and without the use of tannins.

    Water changes are about 2-3g every 1 or 2 weeks for the male’s tank, so I don’t think it’s bad water quality either.

    I don’t think I’d call him lethargic, he still comes out to see visitors, comes out for food and eats normally, and explores his tank every once in a while. I mostly see him lounging in high places though.

    No sharp objects in the tank, all natural hardscape but I made sure to choose things that aren’t sharp or jagged. Heavily planted.

    It’s strange to me because I’ve owned a delta/rosetail? betta before and he’s had a fin rot issue only once. I think the only thing I did differently was using tap water, and I’ve been using RODI for all my bettas I’ve owned afterwards. This male is the only one who seems to have the issue persistently.

  2. Haunting_Avocado_735 on

    It’s possible he’s biting his own tail? I recommend moving him to a hospital tank and starting him on some antibiotics.

  3. Taking pictures of fish is hard, but do you think you can get a clearer shot? I cant tell if he has white bubble-like objects stuck to his body, which could possibly be ich. I’d need a cleaner photo to be sure, though.

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