Do you think these will work together in a 22 long? Also, would love some thoughts on the color scheme and recommendations for plants. Chili Rasbora, Kuhli Loach, Sunkist Neocaridina, and Black Fire Endler.

Posted by plantsforsale


  1. Kuhlis will eat baby shrimp and have a tendency to escape a tank, so maybe rethink that one. Great fish, but it could be problematic here.

    Endler babies are too large for the adults to eat, so expect a population explosion. If the shrimp don’t have plenty of cover, Endlers may take them out too.

  2. If you can get only male endlers, I’d say they’re ok. But live bearers are a pain, when females are in the mix. They are almost all constantly breeding, and this tank doesn’t have anything to really prey on the fry, so you’d end up with a growing population over a surprisingly short time.

  3. Imo the Black Fire Endler really doesn’t fit in.

    Kuhlis and Chilis originate from super soft and acidic bornean blackwater habitats. Endlers are from rather alkaline clearwater environments.

    I’d recommend to check the resources (Wiki) on r/Boraras.

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