Was walking my pup this morning when I noticed a small bag filled with water laying on the sidewalk. It looked like a fish bag to me so I flipped it over, and I saw this poor guy.

He was very dead, God knows how long he stayed in that bag suffocating before he finally passed.

Such a beautiful color! It makes me so so upset to think this poor baby probably was bought and never even had to chance to make it out of this bag. Thinking of it trapped in this prison laying on the scorching heat while slowly dying breaks my heart.

I left it there. I still had a long walk home with my pup and I sadly couldn’t take the bag with me to give this baby a proper burial.

I’m sorry buddy, I hope if theres a fishy afterlife, you have all the space to swim and all the food to eat. 💔


Posted by AnitaKK


  1. i cant i just cant get any words out after seeing the image….
    just why, why leave your betta in a plastic bag on the street just why man i dont wanna even talk about this no more

  2. Rando_Cartesian on

    There’s always a chance it fell out of a stroller or something. Even my daughter’s most beloved sand filled kitty has fallen on the sidewalk where I don’t even remember walking. However, a living creature is a different story. You’d assume they’d go looking for it. It helps me sleep without thinking someone would ditch this little champion.

  3. I can’t get my head behind this behavior. I’ve heard that in the USA (?) it’s not uncommon to gift someone a Betta or to win one in a game. Absolutely maddening to me. How can people disregard life like this?

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