Anyone ever seen this?

Posted by foomedo


  1. They hang out with us all the time on the river. They are interesting to watch. Patient as hell and always get something….

  2. LivingByTheRiver1 on

    I live on a river and I watched one swoop over the water oddly back and forth a few times, poking its beak at a fish, which made the fish move toward the shore so the heron could catch it.

  3. Existing_Creme_2491 on

    Video from an African water hole where one speared a dove, watered it’s feathers & down the hatch !!

  4. I was stream fishing this weekend and all of a sudden there was a huge crashing sound in the water behind me, made me jump about a mile on account of how peaceful and tranquil it had been prior. Anyway i turned around and saw a big hawk rising out of the water, flew away with a trout in its talons. It was really cool to see, but i was a little bit annoyed that i had been there for an hour without catching anything and the hawk just swooped in and grabbed one like it was nothing lmao

  5. Yup. I see them at a local lake catching gophers, then taking them to the lake, and dipping the gophers into the lake just like in the video. They’re either washing them off, or lubricating them; possibly both.

  6. DickCheneysLVAD on

    Frogs,squirrels, crayfish,fish (of course)…

    I’ve seen these lanky bad assess eat all types of crazy shit!

  7. Those damn things will eat a pound of critters a day. Fish, frogs, lizards, rodents, snakes, small (baby) birds, etc. If they can catch and eat it, they will.

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