hello! i am a college student who has recently dived into fish care! i currently have a 10 gal with a heater and filter, in this tank i have a very very docile and sweet male betta, 2 albino cory’s, and 2 julli cory’s, and a mystery snail. they all seem to mix well, and i’ve seen no aggression. they often are by each other, and wait in line to be by the snail lol. i have almost of the entirely of the tank covered in plastic plants that i have checked to make sure they won’t tear the betta’s fins, however he is honestly tiny and just typically lays on them. all fish are super super active and eat well. i do weekly water changes of around 30%, and i condition the tap water and use an aquarium start up and cleaner whenever i do water changes. i feed algae wafers every 2 days for the cory’s and snail and i feed insect based pellets for the betta and the corys twice a day. i’ve had this tank for around 3-4 weeks, and i’ve learned about cycling! what do i do? is my 10 gal enough for the fish i have? they all seem happy! i also have a spider plant and chinese evergreen with its roots in the water! i really want the best for these little things. what can i do to make this better? or suitable? id love to have live plants


Posted by Majestic-Topic6033


  1. I highly recommend live plants. Try anubias, I have a really hard time killing it even in low light

  2. Hello!!! I am so glad you came to find some stuff out for your buddies 🙂 since you said youre in college I’m not sure how much space you have but with having corydaras typically you want 6-12 of each kind but sense you only have a ten gallon I’m not sure if you will be able to ( if you have room ) look up measurements for a twenty gallon long. If you are able to do that at least get four more of each!! ( I think corydoras can school with other cories but others say no ) so maybe if you can’t get a twenty just get one more of each! Make sure your rocks are smooth because it can hurt their little whiskers! But also I would say switch to sand as having live plants would be easier to care for and grip onto sand rather than rocks. ( Sorry if this is a mess I’m doing something else while writing )

  3. So cute! I also had a 10 gallon in college with a mix of live and fabric plants. The only major issue I ran into was there was nowhere to keep it out of direct sunlight and if I didn’t keep up with the algae it would grow pretty quickly. Live plants are good for everyone in there, but depending on how tall your tank is, a significant amount of the height might be taken up by substrate

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