Could I spool more or is this enough? How can you tell?

Posted by DAZ_ZI


  1. Underpoooed, you can tell by looking at your reel. Both sides of where your line is filling should be almost full but not entirely.

  2. Free-Supermarket-516 on

    I usually leave about 1/8″ gap between the line and the edge of the spool, so yes I’d say you’re a bit under. I’ve also fished plenty of times with underfilled spools, and had no issues. I don’t catch big enough fish to run out 100 yards of line, maybe that’s why.

  3. I’d say it’s plenty . The closer you get to the lip of the spool. The more line is going to become tangled from lack of slack when casting. You COULD add more.. but it’s certainly fine as is. Especially if fishing lighter lures that don’t provide much tension when casting

  4. What lb test is that braid?
    If you drop down to a smaller diameter line you can fit more on. Also makes casting easier with thinner line.
    That looks like 30lb or higher? Might be overkill for what you are likely targeting given the reel size.

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