Fin rot or Tumor? Something else? 🥺

Posted by sayrahrulz

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  1. Male plakat betta, about one year old. Always active, hungry, and a big ol’ grump. 10gal planted tank with one nerite bud. Water parameters are all perfect.

    I had a “penthouse” (inverted tank add-on) for him on here for a few months and noticed he seemed to be scraping his dorsal fin on the side of it everytime swam up inside (which was a lot because he loved that thing). It’s been about 3 weeks since I removed the penthouse. Have been doing regular partial water changes and monitoring levels closely. Treated with Melafix for about two weeks now. I can’t tell if it’s healing or this is a “lump” that’s just growing.

    He seems fine, acting like himself, always hungry/flare-y/responsive. But i don’t know what this is and really want to make sure he’s okay. I feel like his tail is looking a little dingy, too. Really worried about my dude. 😔

    If anyone has any ideas or suggestions, I’m all ears.

    Thank you so, so much.

    Tank size: 10gal

    Heater and filter? (yes/no): Yes and Yes (carbon & ceramic)

    Tank temperature: 78

    Parameters in numbers and how you got them: API freshwater master test kit, use weekly if not more often– Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: 0-5PPM

    How long have you had the tank? How long have you had your fish?: Tank since Nov 2023, fish since Jan 2024

    How often are water changes? How much do you take out per change? What is your process?: every 2 weeks 25% normally. Since illness, weekly 25%.

    Any tankmates? If so, please list with how many of each: one nerite snail (and occasional bladder/pest snails that refuse to stop procreating)

    What do you feed and how much: 2x a day, alternate pellets and frozen (bloodworm, mysis, brine). One fasting day a week.

    Decorations and plants in the tank: river rocks, some seiryu stones, mopani wood, Java moss, anubias, pothos, lucky bamboo, tunnel, almond leaves

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