I’ve kept bettas for over 10 years and never had one in this bad of shape before. I got her yesterday, she’s very active and eating. Just looks severely bloated and missing scales from that one patch on her side. The person I got her off has been treating with a whole assortment of chemicals. After 24hrs in just clean untreated aquarium water I’ve seen big improvement in eye clarity and movement. I suppose my question is this. Is she just fat and slightly mistreated something time will fix or does she need more immediate care. Thanks in advance


Posted by purple_magnet55


  1. Anxious_Avocado_7686 on

    That looks like dropsy and severely bloated, the raised scales are called pineconing which is an indicator of organ failure

  2. Are those white strings in the chest area attached to her/coming out of her? Idk what it could be but that doesn’t look too good

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