After 7 months of running my first aquarium (125L tank), my fish suddenly started dying one by one.

I have had 2 big shrimp dying on the same day, following my beta and a few other fish (in a 3 week period)

I have changed my filters, my water and only feed them a little since the dying happend.

I have tested my Ph, Nitrate and Nh4 which all are in perfect range (with an test kit)

Posted by Stonkmaster123


  1. Forward-Advance-695 on

    I’ve had this happen before with no warning. I think one fish died and released a bunch of noxious shit into the water. Then they all started dying. I would recommend water changes to dilute what could be killing your fish. Like daily water changes

  2. What means Changed Filters? If you changed the Media in the Filter, here you have it…

    If it is like this: Test vor No2 and change water. Test water after water change. Test water again and if there is any NO2 change water again and so on.

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