Hi! I currently have one male betta and 3 african dwarf frogs in this 29 gal tank (30x12x18). My betta is super chill with the frogs, so I was curious about adding a small group of tetras and maybe some kuhli loaches. With the 1 inch per gal rule, this definitely doesn't work, but many websites say that rule isn't accurate, and some say I wouldn't overstock the tank with what I want to get.

Woul d I be able to fit 1 betta, 3 african dwarf frogs, 8 neon tetras, and 5 loaches in one tank, or would this be over stocked? Could I put just one of either in, or is my tank already fully stocked?

Also a side note, I'm planning on adding a lot more plants and taking out more plastic plants before adding more fish. I will reduce visibility with plants so my betta doesn't get stressed by seeing so many fish at once.

Posted by SabishiSushi

1 Comment

  1. Get a lot of Anubias’s and Java ferns instead of any plastic plants. You should try to get 2 Otocinclus, and like 6-10 of a small schooling fish like a rasbora or tetra. Also get a snail species, like bladder or ramshorn

    Frogs may eat whatever they can catch though, but they’re unlikely to catch anything as fast as those fish

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