Went out on larger/local lake, which I’ve actually never fished on. (Have avoided it due to traffic, and…I don’t actually own a boat)

Decided to use this XPS 4.5” shad swim bait, and it worked really well.

Caught a good number overall – with some decent ones. The 2 spots in the 2-ish lbs range, and large was probably 2-2.5lbs.

I missed another LM that was probably 3+. Wind was up, and I was trying to fix motor, and didn’t get a good hook set. (He jumped way out of water and we saw it. )

I caught gray shirt Spot last night off a point. Next morning, same place, caught the blue shirt LM. 2 casts later my BIL caught his bigger spot.

(I corrected him on the fish hold. Hence he held the 2nd one properly)

Crazy part was I had the channel cat come up and smash it while I was working past a dock. Then 30 minutes later, I caught ANOTHER catfish on it. And my friend got one on a crankbait right after that as well. (Last 2 cats came on same spot we caught those good ones)

Anyway, I had never caught any spotted bass before. They definitely fight harder than LM. I could tell right away that my fish this morning was a LM vs. the Spot night before.

Posted by Dr-Stocktopus

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