I've had him for almost 2 years, he was already fully grown when I got him. He is acting fine and eats well. He is a longfin betta, and he has had problems with his fins sticking together.

He also has this tumor on his dorsal fin. It used to be way smaller and it seems it grew 1,5x it's size in the past few days.

I tried adding almond leaves, gave him Esha2000 and Sera Omnipur.

Ph: about 8, I tried to lower it 2 weeks ago by adding peat to my filter, but I see it didn't do much:)
NO2: 0

Just realize the watertest kit I bought doesn't have nitrate?? I'll get that as soon as possible


Posted by PhilosopherLeft873

1 Comment

  1. It looks like the little guy has some really bad fin rot I think. Definitely do at least a 50% water change and then 10-20% after every day or every other day. Take out anything that could possibly damage his fins. Try to call a vet to see what the best way to tackle this problem would be. I do not wish to give you advice that would end up hurting your fish. He looks beautiful, and I’m glad you’re asking for advice. You only want to help him…

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