I was survieing a dropoff the other day with my ROV, and I came upon a hunting party of smallmouth bass. I found it interesting to see how the hunt in large groups and can move between the water colums, usually attacking from bellow. Thought this community would enjoy the footage.

Posted by GreatlakesFLY


  1. I want details on your ROV. Is this a commercial model or one of those DIY SeaFox type kits? I’ve been meaning to make one with the kids.

  2. ThePlaceWithtHeTHing on

    I’ve been obsessed with watching bass since I was a kid. I grew up in a desert and was always fascinated with water and fish. There’s a couple smaller, clear lakes near Austin I love fishing. When they get packed up you can see them swarm a glide bait and it’s so cool.

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