Oh Bluey, you were my first Betta and I loved you with all my heart. You lived months on end with a tumour and never let it slow you down. You zoomed through the water, made it known that you owned that tank. You moved so quick I could barely get photos of you. You always came to say hi to me when I walked past your tank, always eager for food, you knew when that lid opened it was feeding time. When I realised I couldn’t help the tumour, all I wanted was to give you the best life possible. I switched out your silk plants to live ones, and I had more coming so I could create the most beautiful living space for you. I wanted you to keep thriving. I’m sad you won’t get to see what I had planned for you. But I knew eventually the tumour would catch up to you. I just wasn’t ready. I will miss you Bluey.

I euthanised him tonight, he became lethargic and was struggling to breathe. He could barely swim. It took me a couple days to bring myself to do it but I couldn’t watch him suffer any longer. He’s buried in my pot plant with a blue crystal stone above him so I’ll never forget. But how could I? His tank is empty and so is my heart. 💔


Posted by s-mae

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