I am devastated right now. My sweet little man has crossed the rainbow fish bridge and although our time was short together, I hope I was able to give him the life a betta deserves. Everything was fine when I went to work, but when I returned he was gone from his tank! I spent over 30 minutes checking every nook and cranny trying to manifest him coming out from hiding, but sadly my brother found him underneath the stand his tank is kept on. I just hope his last moments were peaceful. I have no idea what was wrong or why he would jump out of his tank.. he has never jumped before. A couple nights prior I did the usual water change and things seemed okay. I feel like an utterly failure of a fish mom right now. He was my everything and I gave him my best. He was in a 10 gal planted tank with his only tank mates being snails and 8 strawberry rasbora. The rasbora are doing good still at least..

Rest in Peace Bennethy Weir Jones 😭😭😭😭


Posted by lornyz


  1. I’m so sorry for your loss. Sometimes our fish just do things. Rest assured knowing that he knew that you loved him 🫢

  2. IridescentStarseed on


    Next time… lid… πŸ˜” Even the most chill betta fish can have that sudden burst of energy and leap. It’s up to us as their big friends to keep them safe from themselves. I’m sorry you had to learn this lesson in this way. His sacrifice will keep all others you keep in the future safe and sound. He did not die in vain friend.

  3. Positive-Diver1417 on

    I’m sorry for your loss. I had one jump once through the feeding hole in the lid. It’s so shocking to find them like that.

    I hope you find a new friend and have him or her for a long time.

  4. BetterBettaBadBench on

    I’m so sorry. I had a fish do the same. It hurts so badly. You sound like a good fish parent.

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