hello everyone 🙂

visited my friends house this weekend and got some good pictures of their betta, they wanted to know if he looks healthy. last night i bought them fluval stratum and a couple live plants, we switched out all the colorful gravel substrate and put in the fluval + new plants 🙂 the last photo is the "before," i forgot to take an after picture


Posted by No_Ambition1706

1 Comment

  1. Busy_Recognition_930 on

    Is there a filter in the tank? I may be blind and just not seeing it.. Can’t say much without water parameters and water temp (ideally over 78°f), but from the photo he seems alright. If the log decoration is still in the tank, I’d make sure there are absolutely no rough edges for him to catch on, on top or the openings for the swim through areas. My last one loved to lay on top of the log 🥴

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