Hi everyone, this is Stelio! I’m a first time betta owner and have had him roughly 6 months. He lives in a 10 gal/35 litre planted tank with two platy, 8 tetras, 4 corys and some Malaysian trumpet snails. He doesn’t flare much which I know isn’t a huge deal, but he’s looked a bit down in the dumps the


Posted by Peas-and-Butterflies


  1. Peas-and-Butterflies on

    **EDIT – my phone is completely shit and cut me off before I could finish my comment! He’s looked a bit down in the dumps the last few days. I wondered if there more I could do to perk him up a bit? Water parameters are all fine, he has a hammock which he never uses (prefers the plants lol). All and any advice on how to care for him better (or Betta) welcome!

  2. Mandy_alongtheway on

    Mine likes to play in the duckweed that floats at the top. Maybe look for floating plants? I think they also get bored and like stimulation.

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