how in this day and age are people not able to do THEIR OWN basic research instead of blindly trusting big chain pet stores with supplying them the "proper" setup and requirements for the fish they are impulsively buying?

If you visit this post the comments are riddled with "guys this is fine setup for this type of fish" or "they literally splash around in mud puddles in the wild" like how is this played out non-sensical behaviour still so prevalent amongst adults!!

Posted by PercocetFiendd

1 Comment

  1. It’s perfectly fine to trust people who work in the industry to give you accurate recommendations. The internet is full of false information too and eventually you have to trust someone or something. It’s only been… 15 years we can just pull out a phone and look something up, before that we trusted people in the industry because it was that or find an encyclopedia that was extremely out dated and trust what a publisher told you. Trying to blame her for not using the internet is just obnoxious.

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