I’ve had him for about 2 months now and he’s very active, eats everyday, and loves attention from people
i’ve only heard bad things about bettas being in less than a 5 gallon, but is that really true?


Posted by Apart-Nectarine-8849


  1. i would say if you can, upgrade. bigger is always better. not only is it better for your fish, but it’s a lot easier to care for the water. but if you REALLY can’t, your betta looks happy and healthy. you seem like you’re taking good care of him and love him a lot. only other thing i’d suggest is more hiding spots for him since they love to hide.

  2. Significant-Crow1324 on

    I would give him some more water. Why is it so low? And then maybe a little floating log would be fun for him

  3. Bettas love to swim and explore. A 3 gallon is very small when you think about it. They only have a square to swim in circles in. Bettas are smart! They like DENSE tanks filled with plants, hides, hardscape, but they also love the clutter to be in lots of space. Please upgrade so your buddy is happier. A 5g isn’t much of a difference, but it’s considered minimum. A 10 gallon is much better. With a 10 your cycle will be more stable, your fish will have more room, and it’s not a garishly large tank. Imagine you get put into a bathroom with a single bed and food gets slipped under your door everyday. You have no books, no exercise, no entertainment. That’s pretty much what your tank is rn :). We all live and we learn! Thank you for reaching out for advice


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