Just got this betta yesterday, when I first put him in he was exploring everything in the tank but now he seems to just be glass surfing at the back going behind both of the heaters. Is this something I should worried about, is he stressed or still just getting used to the tank.


Posted by External-News7420


  1. After just a day I’d say he’s getting used to the tank. If it lasts longer than a week or so, I’d say try to find some taller plants or decor to break up his line of sight so he’s not fixating on the reflections he’s seeing on the glass. The plants you have should fill in nicely, so I wouldn’t worry about it too much while you wait for them to grow, unless it gets to the point that he’s constantly pacing/flaring and stressing himself out. But right now it just seems like he’s figuring things out.

  2. Top_Dragonfly8781 on

    Give it a couple weeks to settle in. Also, if you don’t have one, put a thermometer on/in the tank on the far side from the heater. The filter flow should be enough to mix up the water and even out the temperature but it’s nice to have confirmation. Bettas have different personalities and some of them are stupid. I have two and the veiltail is a little jackass who habitually goes to the one place he can find his own reflection and flares at himself then runs off like a coward as soon as I put my finger on the glass. My halfmoon seems very relaxed and I don’t see him flare nearly as much.

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