I'm guessing since my tank has a pretty high amount of plants, my nitrate level is pretty negligible despite my heavy bioload. People always say to do water changes when the nitrates are high but if they never really spike, how often should water changes be done???

Disclaimer: I adopt deformed goldfish, both of my fish are born that way and are as healthy as they can be.

Posted by eevee_elm


  1. awmanareyoucereal on

    If the water parameters are perfect then there’s no need to do water changes. Your tank is lovely, by the way.

  2. I already got scolded for suggesting less water changes before by the fish police. I learned people here be comin with their tiki torches when it comes to betta, goldfish, and water changes. You hit two out of three, sooo…I’m gonna sit this one out 😄

  3. Ambitious-Yak-6955 on

    I’d still do water changes every now and then. With top ups and evaporation you can get a build up of minerals in the water that a nitrogen test won’t pick up.

    A monthly change should be plenty in a well balanced tank.

  4. Hey again. Really nice to these tank doing well. Winter seems much stronger now!
    I think others have covered most reasons as to why you’d want to perform water changes. You could see a similar benefit through remineralising, though this is best done in independent bodies of water as to not stress or adversely effect stock, and thus requires water changes.

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