I have a fair few and none of the others are like this is there anything I can do to help it?

Posted by Rowie13


  1. Just to add it moves around like a healthy fish goes on the glass like a healthy fish just for some reason looks like one of them bubble eye goldfish

  2. KingoftheMagikarps on

    Not an expert but could be dropsy, based on the scale pineconing. Quarantine that fish away from the rest ASAP, until you can figure it out. Whatever it is it looks contagious lol.

  3. The pineconing screams dropsy. I don’t know how are the eyes bulged to that extent tho. I’m guessing this has something to do with water quality or maybe some sort of infection. Definitely do recommend some quarantining.

    Plecos are notoriously hardy so yeah it is quite the jump scare for me lol.

  4. Home boy looks like he’s building up internal pressure based on those eyes . 😱

    (Don’t follow me on that, I know nothing about fishkeeping)

  5. Yeah looks like Dropsy

    Isolate the fish in quarantine.

    you can try epsom salt to help with the swelling, 1tsp per 5 litres

    You could also try giving antibiotics mixed in with fish food if it’s still eating

    Clean the main tank , water quality is a big deal, so make sure your filtration is up to scratch and change out half the water.

    Can try adding bactonex to your main tankv as well as the quarantine tank to help combat any bacterial infection as well

    Even with all this, there are no promises

    But if you are willing to try, you can give those things a go.

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