I noticed something was off with his eye, he had a white growth on it. We searched local vets and pet shops, nothing that could help. We ended up having to order antifungal medicine. While waiting for that to arrive I lowered the lighting, did a water change, tested my parameters, increased the temperature a little, and checked up on him more often. He was swimming and eating just fine the whole time, but I was still very worried that he would die. Today, I woke up and checked up on him, and saw that the growth and white spot were gone! The medicine hadn't even arrived until later today. I dosed the medicine according to its packaging when it arrived. For context, I waited for 2-3 days for this medicine to arrive. I don't know how this happened and how he managed to heal on his own but I'm so happy!! I wish my boy Sebastian Bob Morningstar the best


Posted by Independent-Egg-9012

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