pls help! am i being paranoid or is this fungus

Posted by ohyikesmann


  1. Tank Size: 5.5 gallon
    Yes heater and filter
    tank temp: 78
    params: ammonia 0; nitrite 0 nitrate 10-15
    Tank for 2 years, fish for 4 months
    Water changes 1x every week, siphon out mulm + 70% water and refill w conditioned water
    no tank mates, fed hikari micro pellets 5 pieces a day, and bloodworms once every other week, smooth rock decor + all live plants

  2. There’s a little spot on her bottom fin that’s kinda white that i’m a bit concerned about, i didn’t see it yesterday so maybe she caught herself on something? i’m not sure what it would be since everything in the tank is smooth😭😭 unless she ripped it on like an anubia root or smth. i’ll attach another photo and circle the area! i also have kanaplex ready to dose if necessary

  3. Could be coloration, could be ich. I’m no expert but I say just keep monitoring and if it spreads then treat for ich.

  4. Pretty hard to tell from the vid/pic but if you’re worried you can do some salt dips(minute or two at a time tops) and water changes(10% daily) and see if it goes away. Raising the temperature to 78-80 degrees might help too if it is an infection, your buddy looks healthy and active otherwise.

  5. This is why I stopped keeping Bettas, mystery illness 😭 it doesn’t look like fungus but idk what it is

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